Monday, December 4, 2023

Ngozi, the Wisest Mother in Umuihe

"When mother-cow is chewing grass, its young ones watch its mouth," echoed the wisdom of ages, and in the village of Umuihe, this adage resonated deeply in the lives of Ngozi and her son, Kene.

Ngozi was a woman of grace and patience, known for her kindness that rivaled the warmth of the African sun. Her days were a symphony of actions—she taught at the village school and tended to their modest farm, all while nurturing her son, Kene, with unwavering love.

Kene was a curious lad, his eyes wide with wonder as he observed the world around him. He absorbed life's lessons like a thirsty sponge, his young mind an open canvas ready to be painted by the actions of his mother.

Ngozi never raised her voice to Kene, preferring the soft guidance of words and actions. She spoke to him about the importance of hard work, honesty, and respect. Her actions mirrored her teachings; she toiled in the fields, tended to their home with care, and treated everyone with kindness.

In contrast, there was another household in Umuihe, where loud voices often drowned the air. Chief Uzoma was a man known for his booming commands, his words laced with authority. His son, Chidi, was a mirror reflecting his father's actions—quick to anger and brash in his interactions.

The village observed as Kene and Chidi grew. Kene, guided by his mother's gentle hand and the example she set, blossomed into a thoughtful and respectful young man. Chidi, on the other hand, mirrored his father's ways, often resorting to shouting and commands to get his point across.

One day, the village faced a dire situation—a drought threatened their crops, casting a shadow of despair over Umuihe. Ngozi and Kene worked tirelessly, digging trenches and devising ways to save their harvest. Their dedication and resilience rallied the village, inspiring others to join in the efforts.

In contrast, Chief Uzoma and Chidi demanded action, shouting commands at the villagers. But their words fell on deaf ears, for their actions had not earned them the respect and admiration Ngozi and Kene effortlessly commanded.

As the rains finally graced Umuihe, nourishing the parched land, the crops in Ngozi and Kene's fields flourished. The village rejoiced in their abundance, but more than the bountiful harvest, they celebrated the unity and spirit of perseverance inspired by Ngozi's quiet strength and Kene's diligent actions.

The adage held true in Umuihe—while the mother-cow chewed grass, her young ones indeed watched her mouth. Ngozi's exemplary life had sown seeds of wisdom in Kene's heart, proving that actions speak louder than words and that the truest lessons are learned not through shouting commands but through living a life worth emulating.